
Module ExtractEqMultiproc

rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc.Add_sta_time_2cat(catalogfile, stalat, stalon, Request_window)

Add station latitude, longitude and request time window to each event in the catalog

  • catalogfile (str) – Path to the catalog file

  • stalat (float) – Station latitude

  • stalon (float) – Station longitude

  • Request_window (list [start, end]) – Request time window relative to first P arrival (time before P arrival, time after P arrival)


Catalog of events with station latitude, longitude and request time window added to each event


>>> # Initialize the Add_sta_time_2cat function:
>>> from rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc import Add_sta_time_2cat
>>> # Define the input parameters:
>>> catalogfile = 'path/to/catalogfile'
>>> stalat = 52.0
>>> stalon = 4.0
>>> Request_window = [-50, 150]
>>> # Add the station latitude, longitude and request time window to the
>>> # catalog using the Add_sta_time_2cat function:
>>> catalog = Add_sta_time_2cat(catalogfile, stalat, stalon,

Get the earthquake start and end times in obspy UTCDateTime for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival for each event in the catalog. The theoretical P wave arrival time is calculated using the IASP91 reference model


catalog (obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog) – Catalog with station latitude, longitude and request time window (output of Add_cat_sta_time)


Dictionary of Earthquake start and end time for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival


>>> # Initialize the Eq_times function:
>>> from rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc import Eq_times
>>> # Define the input parameters (output from the Add_cat_sta_time function):
>>> catalog = Add_cat_sta_time(catalogfile, stalat, stalon, Request_window)
>>> # Get the earthquake start and end times for the requested time window
>>> # relative to the first P arrival using the Eq_times function:
>>> timewindow = Eq_times(catalog)
rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc.Get_Eqtimes_multiproc(catalog, nproc)

Run the Eq_times function in parallel for all events in the catalog

  • catalog (obspy.core.event.catalog.Catalog) – Catalog with station latitude, longitude and request time window (output of Add_cat_sta_time)

  • nproc (int) – Number of processors to use


List of dictionaries of Earthquake start and end times (in obspy UTCDateTime) for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival


>>> # Initialize the Get_Eqtimes_multiproc function:
>>> from rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc import Get_Eqtimes_multiproc
>>> # Define the input parameters catalog and nproc (number of processors to use)
>>> # he catalog is an output from the Add_cat_sta_time function
>>> catalog = Add_cat_sta_time(catalogfile, stalat, stalon, Request_window)
>>> nproc = 4
>>> # Get the earthquake start and end times for the requested time window
>>> # relative to the first P arrival using the Get_Eqtimes_multiproc function:
>>> timewindow = Get_Eqtimes_multiproc(catalog, nproc)

Extract the earthquake waveform data from the local data files for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival


inputparams (list) – List of input parameters (datafiles, timewindow)


Stream of earthquake data for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival


>>> # Initialize the Get_EqStream_multiproc function:
>>> from rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc import Get_EqStream_multiproc
>>> # Define the input parameters datafiles and timewindow
>>> datafiles = ['path/to/datafiles']
>>> timewindow = [{'eqstart':eqstart, 'eqend':eqend, 'onset':onset}]
>>> inputparams = (datafiles, timewindow)
>>> # Get the earthquake waveform data for the requested time window relative
>>> # to the first P arrival using the Get_EqStream_multiproc function:
>>> Datast = Get_EqStream_multiproc(inputparams)
rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc.ExtractEq_Multiproc(datafiles, timewindow, nproc, filename)

Runs the Get_EqStream_multiproc function in parallel for each data file, extracts the earthquake data for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival and save the data to a file

  • datafiles (list) – List of data files

  • timewindow (dict) – Dictionary of Earthquake start and end time for the requested time window relative to the first P arrival

  • nproc (int) – Number of processors to use

  • filename (str) – Path to save the extracted earthquake data


Extracted earthquake data to the specified file path


>>> # Initialize the ExtractEq_Multiproc function:
>>> from rfsed.ExtractEqMultiproc import ExtractEq_Multiproc
>>> # Define the input parameters datafiles, timewindow, nproc and filename
>>> datafiles = ['path/to/datafiles']
>>> # time window is an output from the Eq_times or Get_Eqtimes_multiproc
>>> # functions
>>> timewindow = [{'eqstart':eqstart, 'eqend':eqend, 'onset':onset}]
>>> nproc = 4
>>> filename = 'path/to/newfile'
>>> # Extract the earthquake waveform data for the requested time window relative
>>> # to the first P arrival using the ExtractEq_Multiproc function:
>>> ExtractEq_Multiproc(datafiles, timewindow, nproc, filename)