

rfsed is developed specifically to implement different techniques of analysing receiver functions from stations overlying sedimentary layers. The software is adaptable, efficient, and easy-to-use for different analysis of receiver functions obtained from stations overlying sedimentary layers.

Receiver functions techniques implemented in rfsed are:

  • H-k stacking (one layer) of Zhu and Kanamori (2000)

  • Sequential H-k stacking (two layers) of Yeck et al., (2013)

  • Resonance filtering and modified H-k stacking of Yu et al., (2015)

  • H-k stacking and Waveform Fitting (two-step method) of Akinremi et al., (2024)

  • Analysis of the synthetic reciever functions with the above-mentioned methods.

Beside these receiver function methods, rfsed has the following features:

  • Extracting earthquake data from local seismic record files.

  • Multiprocessing options for waveform fitting and extracting earthquake data from local seismic record files.

  • Creating publication quality figures for the results of the analysis.

Receiver functions streams in the rfsed are handled by the RFStream class of the rf open software, and it inherits a lot of useful methods from the Obspy class Stream. It is supported via the obspyh5 package. For more information on class RFStream, see documentation on rf. In the rfsed modules to extract earthquake data from local seismic records, read and write support for necessary metadata is provided for SAC, SeismicHanlder and HDF5 formats based on ObsPy.

This package is fully in python and common processing workflows are described in the Jupyter notebooks accompanying this package.

Getting Started